I can't express how excited I am that you found this site, this place - my place.
I hope you get a bit of enjoyment and a smile comes to your face when you read my posts and look at my work. Enjoy -

Thursday, February 9, 2012

So soon?

Yup . . . I'm back.  I started thinking about all those projects and things I'd made for weddings, peers, and stuff and thought I'd share.  After all, that's what this blog is about, right?

Anyway, when I finally got my own craft room, I decided that I wanted a way to keep dust out of a few of my prized crafting/sewing tools.  I had no pattern - just measured, cut, and stitched these up.  Then I took them to a local print and embroidery shop (Who Dey) for the embroidery.

On the right, I have a pocket for bias tape or whatever is in a fairly wide package.  On the left, I have a set of double pockets (taller) that are used to house my pinking shears and fabric scissors.  If you can tell, my pinking shears have a green handle to match the cover (love it!)

Anyway, the back right corner is finished, but not seamed.  I did that to allow the power cord freedom to come out from my machine without having to fold it and risk it coming unplugged.

I used brown bias tape to finish all the edges and the embroidery is in dark brown also.  While I'm not really the "matchy-matchy" kind of person, I do like the cohesiveness of the look.  It brings all the other covers into alignment and makes my craft space a bit more organized feeling.  Notice I said "feeling".  lol

I'll try to be back in the next week or so with another picture of the "organization" in my craft room.  Until then, I'll be around . . .

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