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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My Home on the Gulf

The news came today that tar balls have begun to heavily litter the beaches of Pensacola.  For those who love our natural environment around the Gulf of Mexico as much as I do, this news is extremely sad.  My heart aches for those who've lost jobs and their livelihoods because of this mess.  I'm posting two pictures taken at a local state park on the Gulf back in May.  These pictures are of two common birds that live and roost on our shores.  Because of the oil spill, these great birds are in danger of losing their homes and livelihoods too. 

My hope and prayer is that this oil mess can be cleaned up soon and that God's great plan includes a way for nature to continue to be resilient.   I'm looking forward to the coast being able to bounce back in order for the balance to be restored to this beautiful and important resource.  

Thank you for putting up with my ramblings.  I have a picture of a wedding cake that I'll try and post tomorrow. 

By the way . . . congrats to the U.S. soccer team for their victory in the World Cup today.  Woohoo!

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