I can't express how excited I am that you found this site, this place - my place.
I hope you get a bit of enjoyment and a smile comes to your face when you read my posts and look at my work. Enjoy -

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Emma's Challenge - 54

Hi guys! This page is in response to Emma's challenge 54 (and our need to find a new home for these sweet kitties). I happened to be at a crop this weekend and used this to advertise the need for a new home for these kitties.

The paper is from DCWV and from two different stacks. The cat head, mouse, journal tag, and cat border is from Doodlecharms. The word "kitties" is from Doodletype, and the word "Free" is from Cricut Office. I faux stitched the title in black ink. I also pop dotted the mouse and used the MS punch "layered arches" to cut the border strip on the side and was 2.25 inches wide before punching.

Hope you like it. And . . . if anyone would like some free kitties and if you live in the panhandle of Florida, let me know. :-D


  1. really cute, love the kitties

    You're invited to visit my blog and sign up to my follower

  2. This has to be the BEST advertisement for kitties I've EVER SEEN!! SO SUPER PRECIOUS! I JUST LOVE IT!! Thank you sooo much for joining my throwback Thursday Challenge!
    Big Gypsy Hugs,

  3. So sweet! I am too far to take a kitty (I'm from Canada!!) But you can stop over for a quick look at my blog!!! http://upsydaisycreations.blogspot.com/

  4. I thought I just left a commment...not sure where it went! Sweet layout anyway!

  5. very cute layout. Your cat is super cute.

  6. Loe it! very cute layout! Thanks for sharing




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