I can't express how excited I am that you found this site, this place - my place.
I hope you get a bit of enjoyment and a smile comes to your face when you read my posts and look at my work. Enjoy -

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Another Throwback Challenge from Emma . . .

Hi guys - I made this card in 2 steps, vacation and home. The base was made while on vacation because my husband had to spend some time working (yeah, I know - vacation, really?) By the way, after 12 different pictures, this was the best one. Sorry I couldn't fix the blur -

So, anyway, I used two different paper lines (DCWV and K and Company) for the colored papers background. Is it considered tacky to mix and match different lines? Oh well, when your options are limited, you do what you can using what you have.

I had been all around to different Michaels looking for the MS border punch, Layered Arches, and decided to use it for the teal strip. After all, I used what I had because I wasn't going to spend any more $$$ that I needed for the vacation.

I digress . . . anyway, the challenge called for Paper Dolls for Everyday and I had no idea what to do. I pulled out my Peachy Keen face stamps and couldn't resist this cute little face. I cut out the face from PDE at 2.25 inches and the hair to match. I pulled scraps of ribbon that I could tie around the hair and typed the sentiment on my computer in brown ink. I used brown ink to define the face. I didn't have any chalks but I did have a rosy pink pigment ink. I used a Q-Tip for the ink and made sure most of the ink was off before I swirled it around on the face. Then, I used pop-dots to make her stand out. By the way, I started her on vacation but finished her at home.

Hope you like her! I thought she turned out to be cute! Enjoy . . .


  1. This has to be the CUTEST EVER! I just LOVE it! Thank you for joining my throwback Thursday Challenge!
    Big Hugs,

  2. Super cute!!! Really love those piggy tails! and great saying!


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