I can't express how excited I am that you found this site, this place - my place.
I hope you get a bit of enjoyment and a smile comes to your face when you read my posts and look at my work. Enjoy -

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Another one . . .

Hi guys!  I've posted some pictures of my covers for my Cricut and sewing machine, but I thought I'd share a picture of my Cuttlebug cover.  I made this to go with my other covers.  I had this embroidered at the same place that my other covers were embroidered.

I made a slit in the side with the handle and put grommets in the bottom of the slits.  I used a piece of sheer green ribbon threaded threw the grommets to tie it together.

Hope you like it!  Let me hear from you if you do.  Thanks for looking . . .


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