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I hope you get a bit of enjoyment and a smile comes to your face when you read my posts and look at my work. Enjoy -

Sunday, May 30, 2010

New Gypsy Update

Okay, so I have a Cricut Gypsy and have honestly not used it as much as I have used DS to design my scrapbooking and card stuff. The reason is that the screen on the Gypsy is small and I haven't had the same capabilities to manipulate my designs as well or hide contours like I can in DS. (Isn't it a shame when we get old and our eyes don't work as well? lol)

Things are a-changin'. With the latest update, we can now hide contours and hang part of the design off the mat without it all disappearing in a blank box. We can also add more layers (although I don't think mine works correctly) which should help with multi-dimensional designs.

Well . . . a wonderful lady named Tammy has done great and miraculous things. She has made a couple of videoes that explain the updates and show you how to use the new changes. You can check them out at http://www.cricutcritters.com/

If you choose to leave a comment, let her know that shortscrapper sent you. Enjoy and keep scrapping!

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