I can't express how excited I am that you found this site, this place - my place.
I hope you get a bit of enjoyment and a smile comes to your face when you read my posts and look at my work. Enjoy -

Friday, November 27, 2009

After Thanksgiving . . .

I'm sitting here watching the guys watching football and it occurred to me - I love this time of year! It's all about family, food, get-togethers, and time together. I'm so very thankful to my God for the opportunity to have this time with my family. I've been under the weather with bronchitis and a sinus infection so I've not been my normal jovial self (hehehe), but nothing beats time with the family.

Anyway, my daughter has just announced her engagement to a wonderful young man and my life will be forever changed for the better. I'm gaining another son! Keep my in your prayers and let's have fun with this! I'm not sure how to do this wedding-thing, but I'm sure my daughter will educate me quickly!

I'm just wondering . . . how can I best use my Cricut for all the things that will be happening? Hm-m-m-m-m-m Any ideas? please let me know by sending me a comment or email (shortscrapper@gmail.com).

I guess I'll figure it out as time goes on. Boy, am I glad I'm through with grad school - whew!

If anybody reads this, I'll be truly amazed. See ya -

1 comment:

  1. Great job Mom! I love the page! People need to start checking out your blog bc you are definitely the best scrapper I have seen!


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