I can't express how excited I am that you found this site, this place - my place.
I hope you get a bit of enjoyment and a smile comes to your face when you read my posts and look at my work. Enjoy -

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Check it out . . .

First of all, a big "Thanks!" goes out to Diane of Capadia Designs (click http://capadiadesigns.blogspot.com/ to check out her blog).  She has given us a site that references the designs on all the Cricut cartridges.  If you use a Cricut at all, you know how confusing and difficult it can be to find a particular cut, especially if you have tons of cartridges!  This site should help those of us who have one or two cartridges be able to find an obscure design needed for a layout or card.

They're still new and want feedback, so check them out (http://www.cricutsearch.com/) and let them know what you think.  Personally, I'm looking forward to the help!

Have a good weekend, and I'll be in touch.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Beautiful Gulf of Mexico . . .

A different type of sea urchin
A baby angelfish

Just thought I'd share some of the pictures from a very recent dive trip in the Gulf of Mexico.  I've never claimed to be a good photographer, but some of these turned out to be fairly good shots. I'll try to label them as I post them.  Enjoy -

Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's been awhile . . .

Yes, it's been a long time since I posted.  No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.  Yes, I'm still paper crafting and enjoying every bit of it!  I'm currently working on something called "5 Pictures, 5 Pages".  Diana came up with this idea in order to get new ideas infused into our scrapping.  Five people share 5 pictures with 5 people who then scrap the pictures on an 8X8 layout.  The whole idea is to get different styles and ideas for our scrapbooks.  It's truly an ingenious idea because the book is unique and special without being repetitive. 

As soon as I finish my 5 pages, I promise I'll share.  In the meantime, I'm off to go on one last dive before the water cools off too much. 

See ya!